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Using Rib archive together with copy SOP

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How can I copy "Rib Archive" object using copy sop??

I only know archived rib file can be attached to objects at "obj" level, and i found difficulties to use with copy sop and object merge can't read in rib archive objects.

I am now using 3delight.

Thanks a lot,


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I meant you can't using the *copy sop*.

can't using copy sop?? oh~~

ic, ...just what i wanna do is that i copy some boxes on to a polygon sphere using copy sop and each box is attached a rib archive.

if rib archive can't be done.....is there any alternatives??


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can't using copy sop?? oh~~

ic, ...just what i wanna do is that i copy some boxes on to a polygon sphere using copy sop and each box is attached a rib archive.

if rib archive can't be done.....is there any alternatives??


Attached is an example file I created a while back (don't know where I posted it before).

It uses mantra, but the idea is the same. In your material, just put down a geometry shader and wire it up (i.e. RIB Delayed Read Archive).

In your instance object, use point instancing and attach a material attribute to each point (attaching the appropriate material).

This requires H9.x to work though.


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Thank you so much !!! I finally got the result with copy sop and 3delight .... :lol:

As I am new in Houdini, I got a little confuse between "Instance" and "Geometry" node...it seems can't success when using "Geometry" node in this case?

Could u mind explain a little on it??

Thanks again.


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Thank you so much !!! I finally got the result with copy sop and 3delight .... :lol:

As I am new in Houdini, I got a little confuse between "Instance" and "Geometry" node...it seems can't success when using "Geometry" node in this case?

Could u mind explain a little on it??

Thanks again.


The point is that objects and a few other things in Houdini are not "hard-body" entities, but rather containers which you first fill with data, then dress up with controling parameters. These parameters are like tags or labels, you can add or remove them from objects changing their behavior in respect to IFD generation or Mantra rendering. Search in Help for Mantra 9.x Rendering Parameters for details explanation and list of the second kind (Mantra parameters start with "vm_").

One of the parameters that changes ordinary object into Point Instance object is "ptinstance", added by default to Instance Object for your convenience. The clue of the story is that Instance Object is nothing more then an Object. It just has a proper parameters added to it. You can add or remove parameters as you wish via Edit Rendering Parameters menu under small Gear icon of object's parameters Tab.

This is just begging of the story. Parameters have their hierarchy which allows you to overwrite them on different levels. Powerful stuff hopefully explained in Help.

Hoe this helps,


Edited by SYmek
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