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motion blur for changing-point-count ?

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Hi, guys B)

I'm having a hard time to motion-blur a deforming metaball.

metaball pop

| /






;) Node like this doesn't work at all cuz the point-count is varying on time.

Any suggestion for metaball motion blur ?

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Thanks Jason.

But in this case of metaball,

metaball letter

I copied metaball to particle template / convert to poly / subdivide

which leads to no way for motion blur, I think..

So I'm looking for an alternative way to make a volume which can be motion blurred.

Does volume shaded things can be motion-blurred ?

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I copied metaball to particle template / convert to poly / subdivide which leads to no way for motion blur, I think..

You need to go to the Attributes folder and turn on "Copy Template Point Attributes" and leave the default "*" option. If all you want to inherit is just the velocity, then replace the "*" with "v". Note that you can inherit color as well to actually have the metaballs blend color as well. Actually, this is a great way to prove to yourself how the velocity attributes are distributed.

Now any subsequent SOPs will show that there are velocity "v" attributes present (RMB on the sop icon). Converting them to polys inherits all attributes as per the Houdini ultimate design rule "preserve attributes no matter what".

The last thing to do is change, at the object level Render folder, the object's motion blur setting to use velocity attributes. Don't worry as using velocity attributes takes in to account object transformations and camera transformations. You can also set the global render behaviour in the output render driver the same way as in the object. This would be the "+" button to pop up the GUI to define the mantra render command.

So I'm looking for an alternative way to make a volume which can be motion blurred. Does volume shaded things can be motion-blurred ?

Look at i3d volume rendering. In the latest release of H6, this is now somewhat supported. This will also incur the overhead of learning i3d volume rendering in houdini, which is not that bad.

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