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promote POP parmeter to SOP OTL

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I have an SOP OTL which has a popnet inside. The popnet has a group POP and I am trying to promote the "rule" parameter to the UI in SOPs. When I do this, it complains of a syntax error. This is the channel reference it creates in the "rule" parameter when I promote it to the OTL UI.


When I put anything in the newly created OTL parameter it complains with an error, Syntax Error.

I have tried these different entries

$AGE > 1

`$AGE > 1`

`point("../myOtl", $ID, "life", 0) > 1`

and a few others. Not sure how I can get around this issue. Any suggestions would be great!


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hmmm, I would have thought that too but still no good.

I just tried created a spare string parameter on the Group POP and referenced it in the "rule" parameter and it didnt like it either, so it doesnt seem to be a POP<>SOP issue.

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hmmm, I would have thought that too but still no good.

I just tried created a spare string parameter on the Group POP and referenced it in the "rule" parameter and it didnt like it either, so it doesnt seem to be a POP<>SOP issue.

Actually, I am wrong on that. It works fine if I do it within POPs. It just doesnt like it if I try to promote it to the SOP level. It gives me this error

Channel Evaluation Error  Bad data type for function or operation

So im still stuck with my original problem.

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Actually, I am wrong on that. It works fine if I do it within POPs. It just doesnt like it if I try to promote it to the SOP level. It gives me this error

Channel Evaluation Error  Bad data type for function or operation

So im still stuck with my original problem.

FYI, I manged to sort out the issue. the eval() expression without backticks did the trick.


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