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Prman for Houdini (again)

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Hey guys,

im sorry if this is a repost, but i cannot find an answer anywhere... (maybe im using the wrong keywords?) what im trying to do is take the .sl or .slo files i have written in cutter for prman, and apply them to a grid, or any shape really, in houdini. im not gettin anything and i cant really figure it out..

as always, thanks in advance guys!


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Cutter can be setup to use the slo2otl.py utility to place your compiled shaders into 1 OTL file. All you have to do is point Cutter to $HOME/houdini9/otls/myshaders.otl in the OTL prefs, and make sure Houdini's /bin directory is setup in Languages > VFL in the Preferences Tool.

Typical workflow

1. Alt + E compiles your shader and adds it to your OTL

2. In Houdini go to (File > Refresh Asset Libraries) note: this should take a sec, if it doesn't check Windows > Operator Type Manager to be sure your shader was added to the proper OTL file. If it's not working then most likely you have incorrect paths setup in Cutter, or haven't set your system Env variables properly.

3. assign the shader to your geometry

3. add RenderMan ROP in /out and make sure Properties > Paths > Shader Path contains the location of your compiled shaders.

mine looks like this.


Are you studying at SCAD?

Edited by Alanw
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do you make the otl in H9 or in Cutter? im tryin to save out from cutter as a .otl and then compile, but its saying theres nothing to execute?


Create the OTL file yourself using either rmands or slo2otl.py command line utilities. Then you point cutter to that OTL in the .otl path section of the pref's.

Note, if you leave the .otl path blank Cutter will create an OTL for you for every shader you compile. This causes a lot of files to be generated, and quite a hassle loading all those OTL's into Houdini so I wouldn't do it this way. You could use this to build your first OTL file though. Then just fill in the ".otl path" with that otl file.

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im sorry i keep being such a pain in teh ass, but i really appreciate you helping me out... im trying to use the script from fundza and its not working at all?? it keeps saying:

"rmands: error while loading shared libraries: libHoudiniPRM.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"




thanks again!!

Edited by TheAdmira1
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