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Command line rendering


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I am wondering if there is anyway to render with one command within dos shell. so basically if i wanted to type hscript blah.hip (mystery render command) so that it rendered right away instead of having to wait for hscript to load than typing. render mantra1

the basic reason i need this is i am trying to implement a simple shader writer that will allow me to not have to open houdini repeadedtly to see my changes to my shader. Please let me know if anybody has any thoughts.

thank you


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mantra can only render .ifd files (instantaneous frame description files)

hscript has to be invoked to output ifd's to mantra, but there is a commandline util that'll help you forget this fact - and it's called "hrender". check it out - get the help with "hrender -h" and read all about it. hrender will invoke hscript, output any output driver (still or sequence) and automatically push the ifd into mantra for you. no hscripts command knowledge necessary.

also, if you have already output .ifds from within houdini by checking "Output to File" in your mantra ROP, you are able to render these directly from the commandline anytime by typing "mantra < foo.ifd"

hope this helps,


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