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Sprite alpha


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I know this issue has been asked like a 100 times, but allthough i've read pretty much all of the answers and followed all the tutorials (3dBuzz, DigitalTutors, the MiguelPerez-tutorial) i could find i still don't understand how to control the alpha of sprites . (yeah, you can call me stupid from this point on)

What i've got in the attached file is a sphere emiting particles and in de popnet after the source a color and a sprite sop.

The color sop is supposed to ramp up the alpha base on $LIFE.

In the Obj level i assigned a sprite-material to the particle-emiter in the material tab. This sprite-material i made myself in SHOP.

In the sprite-material i've got a VOP VEX Surface SHOP and a Mantra_Sprite Procedural wired respectivelly into the surface shader and the Geometry Shader of the suboutput.

The VOP VEX Surface SHOP's output has got a Surface Opacity (Of) (vector) and a surface Alpha (Af) (float). How does this work, why opacity and alpha, what's the difference? What do i need to edit to get control over the opacity or alpha if you will of my sprites?

I could really use some pointers to set up the most basic way to control and understand sprites before i even try to go further and make something that actually looks nice as well.

Any help very much apreciated.




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I found out that even the example posted in: http://forums.odforce.net/index.php?showtopic=7826 did not result in alpha's in my sprites, but rather sprites with the houdini non-commercial logo in each sprite.

After re-installing Houdini the problems went away and i am now finally able to see transparancy in my sprites. I would still however love to understand the relation between alpha and opacity a little better so if anyone has a link or a tip it would be more then welcome.



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I found out that even the example posted in: http://forums.odforce.net/index.php?showtopic=7826 did not result in alpha's in my sprites, but rather sprites with the houdini non-commercial logo in each sprite.

After re-installing Houdini the problems went away and i am now finally able to see transparancy in my sprites. I would still however love to understand the relation between alpha and opacity a little better so if anyone has a link or a tip it would be more then welcome.



Opacity is the ability for a material to be transparent or opaque. Generally, you want to premultiply your color by your opacity for this to render accurately. The alpha however works like a matte in your render where whatever value this has, your final image will have when rendering.

So if you give your material A an opacity of 0, objects that appear behind material A in your render will still render and appear in your alpha channel. If however you give material A an alpha of 0, your alpha channel in your render will have a value of 0 wherever that materail exists.

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