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Setting TimeWarp Start and End Times Based on Particle Height

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Hello all, I am trying to figure out how to procedurally set a start and end time to my TimeWarp node based on the particles apex. So when the particle reaches its apex, the box will run through it's animation which was set on frames 1-10. As it stands in my example, the particles birth the geometry and the box plays through its animation immediately starting at frame 1. Hope this makes some kind of sense.



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Hey, I'm not sure if this is exactly what you are after as the scale is not driven by the scale value of the box object, but instead uses the pscale attribute to control the transform scale of each box as it reaches its apex. The scale is set to 1 in Y until it reaches its apex and then scales from 1 to 5 over a period of 10 frames. It does not use the timewarp node, but achieves the same results.




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