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Debris bounce


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I am learning H95. When I am working on debris, I am not able to control the bounce of the debris. It hits the ground and bouncing continus. How to make it bounce then slide and stop.

Any help is much appriciated.


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I am learning H95. When I am working on debris, I am not able to control the bounce of the debris. It hits the ground and bouncing continus. How to make it bounce then slide and stop.

Any help is much appriciated.


Hi there ,

The bounce of a dop and pop is determind by the bounce in the Physical tab of each object.

It is a combination of the both that makes is bounce more or less. Example on the ground plane is set to 0.5 at default,

and as well as the POP Object. so if you put the both bounces at zero they will stick. About sliding and then stoping this is Done with the Dynamic Friction.

here you have a basic hip where they are sticking to the ground




Edited by mangi
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Hi Mangic,

thanks for the notes and .hip file. I understood the objposition. Actullay I need the debris has to bounce and should settle smooth(Like a bouncing ball animation principal). Is there any way that we can do this?

N.B: In maya, we used to check the velocity value and if it less than some point, then stop the movement of the particles. I don't know how to apply this in Houdini.


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well what you have to tweak are the Bounce parameters in the both objects . to give it some bounce its a balance of the both. and the dynamic friction will give you the parameter so the object will stop at a curtain time in the momentum.

here you have another hip , but you have to tweak it as you like , this is the sim animation , with respect of what type of ball is animated , golf, marbles , ping pong.

some testing must be done.

here is a little clip , I see that the derbis's are not settling , there is a nod tho do this once they are supposed to be stop.

one second an i will get the quictime movie uploaded, it is rendering right know okay



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Hi again,

Well here is the preview of the hip file. example with the berbis effect.

I put a shere on the POP to see the actual bounce effect okay.

I did make a offset an the shere a little bigger to see it better.

Anyway there is some intercollision due to the fact that these are POP' okay I am sure there is a way

to get out of that.

And also there is no rotation in the shere . You probale can get this with the Rot particle or get them back into a dop.

maybe in a while I can get another hip up okay



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