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using Boujou4.1 solves in Houdini9.5

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Hey I'm working on a hip file created by Boujou 4.1 (while exporting the camera solve) in Houdini 9.5??

The export options in Boujou4.1 show hip files of version 4.1

I tried working with the Houdini 4.1 file that boujou exported but when i open the scene file it gives a whole bunch of errors like

skipping unrecognized parameter....

though even after these errors, the file from boujou is working great but has one issue..

the file has 3 nodes. one for camera and 2 others for nulls.

the problem is when i enter the node which has the nulls, it has no data in it..

it just has a merge node in it and no data or parameters....

so if i want to parent a geometry to the null or vice versa, how do i go about doing it??

here's a hip file for the same..

(Is there any other way to import the boujou camera solves into HOudini?? )

any suggestion or tip is appreciated



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  • 2 weeks later...
still hoping for some way out :)

any suggestions??


It seems that everything is as it should be. Markers are just a set of point you can use to parent geometry onto in several ways, starting from Rivet Object, which you have to point to markers geometry, and choose point number in "Point Group" parameter.Then parent your geometry to that Rivet. In fact, I don't see the reason for doing it, since the scene is static, so you can place your object manually on marker spot, can't you? If markers were animated, than rivet could help :)

Does it explain anything?



Edited by SYmek
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hey symek thanks for the reply..

yes i did try out the manual way..though it worked in this instance I was just curious about how would we go about it had the scene been more challenging.

since i'm relatively new to Houdini, i wasnt aware about the Rivet funtionality..

m gonna give it a try and get back to thread :)

thanks a ton

It seems that everything is as it should be. Markers are just a set of point you can use to parent geometry onto in several ways, starting from Rivet Object, which you have to point to markers geometry, and choose point number in "Point Group" parameter.Then parent your geometry to that Rivet. In fact, I don't see the reason for doing it, since the scene is static, so you can place your object manually on marker spot, can't you? If markers were animated, than rivet could help :)

Does it explain anything?



Edited by bhaveshpandey
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hey symek thanks for the reply..

yes i did try out the manual way..though it worked in this instance I was just curious about how would we go about it had the scene been more challenging.

since i'm relatively new to Houdini, i wasnt aware about the Rivet funtionality..

m gonna give it a try and get back to thread :)

thanks a ton

Edit: really sorry for the double post

Edited by bhaveshpandey
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