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vops displacement question

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Hey guys,

I have a piece of geometry that has a custom attribute mapped to its surface. I would like to

take that attribute into a vops displacement shop and create an displacement based on the value

the custom attribute holds. Is this possible? If so, I am not sure how to pass that information

into vops. I thought that maybe I could use a parameter node and pass it through that but

that does not seem to work.

Any ideas?

Thanks a million,


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if you create a parameter named exactly the same in VEX context then you can probably use that parameter to drive a certain factor.

i.e if I want to import uvs into VEX, i'll put in a parameter node and name it uv and set the type to vector.

i have not yet dealt displacement maps as i'm still scratching the surface.. :)

hope this gets you some idea.

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