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Copying to point normals

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There is probably a very simple solution to this, but I havent slept for a couple days and neither has anyone around me... So solutions are not exactly abundant at the moment...

I have made a texture that uses alpha and opacity to "cut out" a feather from a grid... Now i need to put these feathers on the model of a parrots head i made... I dont know alot about fur so I havent really looked through it much for this application due to time constraints... At the moment, I am trying to comb the point normals and then copy the grids to the points... However I cannot remember for the life of me how to change where the copy geo connects to the template geo... Basically i want the base of the grid to be on the point, and currently they are copying at the mid point of the grid... Also, I cant group by color for some reason? I have my entire geo painted black, and then the area i wish to select painted red... I have tried $CR == 1, $CR = 1, $CR > 0, $CR != 0, and $CR >= 0? nothing wants to work though?

as always, thanks in advance guys!

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Geometry always is oriented down the Z axis when copying or instancing to align with your point normals. Your feathers should be oriented down the Z-axis then.

The root of the feather should be at 0,0,0 inside the object. You may have to choose the display option to "Hide Other objects" to see the natural object origin gnomon in the viewport. It is the feather's location relative to the current object's origin that determines just where the feather will be attached to each template point through the Copy SOP.

As for the color, if you have color on your template points, it is best to either delete the areas you don't want to copy points to and then feed that in as your template points. Delete SOP expression to something like $CR > 0.8 should do.

You can also create a group to put your template points in to. Again use the expression method and use $CR > 0.8 or some threshold value that does the job.

Tip: You can scatter points on your template skin geometry to use as template points. I usually delete the unwanted polys, scatter points then feed that as template points. The scatter points will inherit the combed normals. Actually they inherit all attributes.

Tip: Use a Measure SOP set to area before the Scatter SOP. Then enable the attribute option in the Scatter SOP. This gives you a more even distribution of scatter points.

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good deadl thanks... didnt know that about the z-axis and Copy!

As for the scatter, thank you, but thats exactly what Im trying to pull off! haha but for some reason no matter what I try to do, $CR is selecting all the faces in my geo?? it is blatantly black and red... but every expression i have put in selects every face available... ???

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Moving the grid slightly positive on the Z axis worked perfectly! thank you!

However the Delete SOP will not read the color from the Paint SOP? Ive posted my hip file, if anyone has a second to look at my setup that'd be greatly appreciated... I don't know if my Paint SOP is setup right? I have the exact same setup in other files I have doen and it works every time... Just apparently not on this project... Thanks again!


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