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aligning two different geometries?

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anybody has a good idea how to align two different geometries - actualy two different face models, in my case one is animated another not , and I want to have non animated one aligned durin animation. Both are topologicaly different but some parts has a very close shape simmilarity, like forehead and nose shape.

Any ideas appreciated


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There's various solutions to this. But let's try the simplest one first. Put your two geometries in separate objects (use an Object Merge SOP if you have to), and then parent one to another.

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hi Edward, as usual thanks for advice.

Was stupid of me not to mention that animated object, well is not animated in houdini. It is a sequence of objects which are loaded on per frame base. So at object level it is so to speek static, althoug points are animated indeed.

Another complicating issue - this anmation is obtained by new technology called dynamic capturing -which actualy is like scanning, but then at cameras frame rate. So I have for every frame scaned face - but not corresponding gemotry, meaning that point count and point id's dont corespond to previous frame. So techniques like taking chanels of few points and using them to align geometry wont work either.

It has to be done at sop's level I gues


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