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Copy Op and scaling

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Ah, I'm new to Houdini, but that wasn't too hard to figure out.

I'm just using some spheres copied onto a grid. I set my X radius to be

param("sizex", 1)

and referenced my y and z to keep the scaling the same.

Then in the Copy Op I enabled stamp with the first variable as


and the value as


Nothing most of you probably didn't already know, but it sure is rewarding figuring things out in Houdini!

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Hiya nawrot.

Congrats on figuring it out :).

But since this is Houdini, there's never only one way to do things. And that is another part of the true beauty of the package.

So here's a way that you could do it and not get stamping involved.

In your copy SOP, turn off 'transform cumulative' and type $PT*0.1 into the uniform scale parameter. That should look exactly like what you have, but probably a bit cheaper internally, since stamping is convoluted ;) .

The deeper you get in this package the more you see the different paths you can take to get to the same result. It can be pretty amusing at times (and pretty frustrating at others):)



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