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primitive groups to pointgroups


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I want to load a maya geometry cache file onto a geometry exported from maya as obj.

Now I have a lot of primitiveGroups, but I need pointGroups to be able to read the geometry cache from maya.

Any idea how I can can convert all the primitive groups into point groups at once?

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Guest Swann

Stamp(), Arg(), Argc() and PrimGroupList() expressions are your friends here.

Below is HDA with example how to make it. Install it and see how it works under the hood.


EDIT: Updated the file, AGAIN :).

1) Now works both Ways - previous coudn't convert from points to primitives

2) Added masks for groups.

3) On Output gives only groups that are converted. So if you want to convert Primitive Group into Point Group and on input there is some existing point group it will delete it and output only conversion group.



Edited by SWANN
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thank you for the tool.

Unfortunatly it seems that the primitive groups share data.

I suppose its because of the deformers that are connected to the original object.

So I have 3 groups with exact the same count of primitives and if I look into your convertGroup tool,

then you delete the all unnecessary data in the "Delete_Old_Point_Group" node. But with my geometry,

the result of this node is empty.

If I do a reexport of my obj and delete all available data in maya, so that I only have one single group, it works.

Maybe there is a way to remove multiple instances of one group and collapse them?

I'll try to create a simple example and post it here.

Edited by haggi
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