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Separating mesh in Houdini?

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Thanks to supertom44 on Twitter (sorry Tom... I don't know your forum name) I have a finished and almost working model to test some effects on. Unfortunately, I've never dealt with imported models in Houdini so it's a little bit of a mess.

My question is: since my model was imported as one object, how do I go about separating into separate pieces? For example, a model of a car. How do I separate the wheels, the bumper, the windshield? Do I simply select the polygons and detach? I'm pretty sure it's as simple as that but then again... I'm still trying to get a feel for Houdini and didn't know if there was another way of doing it.

EDIT: So here's the issue... all I have is a file node. If I middle click on the node it tells me that there's 52 primitive groups. The thing is that I don't see them. BTW... attached is the scene file.


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EDIT: So here's the issue... all I have is a file node. If I middle click on the node it tells me that there's 52 primitive groups.

That makes it easier then. Just go to the top /obj/ level and create a Geometry object. Go inside that and lay down an Object Merge SOP. You can then specify the object and group that you wish to import into that object using the bit at the bottom. I think for your purposes you'll need to make sure you set the Object Merge's "Transform" parameter at the top to None.


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Guest Swann

Hi Rico,

I replied the same on 3d Buzz .

Download my HIP and OTL that I made some time ago. Load Viper into file node, then put flag on groupConvert2 node and wait till houdini end procesing. When it's done, lock groupConvert2 node and use all the delete nodes below to select pieces of geometry you want. Don't change names of those nodes. If you want different name, place null and name it.

EDIT: What I mean is you need only "myGroupName0" node. Then you can copy it 51 times and it will automaticaly pickup name of the node as a name of a group to separate. Even when you have 1000 groups you will only need copy and paste this node 999 times to acces each group individualy.


Hope this helps a little.




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