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controlling Points on a geometry using CHOPS

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I'm trying to setup a CHOP network which should control the position of every point on a Geometry.

specifically I want a channel for each tx ty tz of these points..

so I put down a geometry chop and referenced it to the correct SOP, set the method to Animated, and scoped P attribute.

the issue is when I export these after doing some math, adding noise and filters they all still move together as if they are connected.

I checked the channels..and what I see is Points which are on the same row for eg..9,19,29,39...99 have the same channel for Tx..

thats why they look connected while being transformed. so I tried to randomise it by adding a Sort SOP to the grid..but still the movement remains the same.. I middle clicked on the Export chop an saw only 1st three channels were being exported back.. (this probably is the reason for their movement??)

but again the shape of each channel curve for x, y and z is same..

what can i do to change channel curves for tx,ty,tz of each and every point..??

can anyone suggest any corrections or tell me where I'm going wrong?

(basically i want every point to have a path driven by channels in CHOPs)

I have recently started dabbling with CHOPs and dont have much knowledge.

here's the hip file

Thanks :)


Edited by bhaveshpandey
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You have the right idea, but instead of using an Export/Transform, use a Channel SOP. It reads the data back from CHOPs back into geometry. I've modified your hip file with this, hopefully it's what you're looking for. There was no need for the move attribute, export CHOP or Transform in this case, so I've removed them from the network.


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hey thanks a lot malexander..thats what I wanted :D

However I did also try with Channel SOP but I put in the wrong attribute there.. :blink:

I also got some similar results (a bit) by using Copy Stamping along with channel sop..(I created 3 Translation Attribs and CHOPed them and then used them in place of P attrib..coz I could not figure out where I was going wrong....pretty stupid though..I had to create same attribs)

but that was a Desperate man's measure....haha

Edited by bhaveshpandey
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