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maya to houdini export issue


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Hi everyone,

System info:

MAC OS X 10.5.7

Software info:

PFTrack 4.1

Maya 2009 SP1


i have footage of a girl running, with a 180 pan. i exported the matched camera twice: one as a .cmd script for hou and the other as a .ma so that my friend could animate in maya 2009 a 3d model that matched the girl


Cannot export the scene to houdini. I have a sidewalk geometry, matched camera, and animated girl.

Been trying to export as an obj sequence and as fbx. NONE are working.

The exportSeries script and the ObjSequenceExport scripts both are not working for some reason... I've made sure to load the objExport plugin for Maya, and i've tried baking the keys on the animated geometry. The ObjSequenceExport script is actually just not doing anything at all. I run the script, the path pop up opens, i pick a location, hit EXPORT IT, and nothing happens!

ExportSeries, comes up with some error...

Okay, so in the meantime, I asked a friend of mine to try exporting on their computer *a windows machine*, and they were able to get it to export. And then I took the obj sequence, imported it to houdini. The problem is, the "matched animated girl" no longer matches the "camera" image plane...

I've tried to export the camera from maya as fbx, which seemed to work, it came into houdini. But the girl was misaligned and no longer matched it.

Then I tried to run the .cmd script from pftrack, used that camera, and then brought in the animated geo of the girl running, but it also did not match. THE THING IS, when in maya, the girl matches the camera EXACTLY... ideas on what's going on?



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weird, but, when i "select the geometry in maya" --> export selection --> as OBJ, it will export 1 frame of the obj sequence, and when i bring that file into houdini, it MATCHES the camera....

that seems to work out

but when i use exportSeries.mel, even when i select just one peice of geometry, it's exporting all. so i've been having to delete everything else, export just what i need, then reopen the scene, and do it again, for each peice. something odd about that one?

anyways this has fixed my problem for now. it's just a little annoying. but still would love for someone to succesfully export a scene, camera, anim, geo as fbx on MAC and import it to houdini...

when and if someone can get that working please let me know how to

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Hey Jon,

For FBX issues, I would post over at SESI forum because Oleg, who's the FBX guy, might be able to help you out. Please make sure you're using FBX2009 as Houdini's FBX code is based on that. In addition, please search through SESI forum for FBX export of animated geometry of which there are a couple of posts.

To reduce the number of factors, I would import the camera directly (using the .cmd out of PFTrack) into Houdini and export the sidewalk to see if they match up. If they don't match up, there are some numbers from PFTrack that's causing the problem.

If you want, you can post the .cmd file & a .obj of the sidewalk geometry & we'll take a look at them.

Good luck!



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