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Finding World Space Values

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Hey guys,

Would really appreciate your help with this one - I hope I can explain it well enough that you understand what i mean.

At the moment I have a 3D scene with a camera that has been imported from pftrack - the track lasts approx 500 frames.

My scene lasts 1500 frames, so I have created a blend node, into which I have fed both my pftrack camera (PF_CAMERA), and another camera (MANUAL_CAMERA) which continues the move after 500 frames... At some point (between the 400th and 500th frame) the blend node smoothly switches between the pftrack camera and the manually created camera. The blend node then feeds into a new camera (FINAL_CAMERA) through which I view my scene for the full 1500 frames.

So, I now have a great camera move which travels through 1500 frames, and blends seamlessly between my tracked camera and my manually keyframed camera....

Great... No problems so far.

However, I now want to take this camera into another application (Cinema 4D), and this is where the problem lies, as each of the nodes is brought in individually, it does not take into account the animation of the other nodes within the network, and therefore there is no animation applied to 'FINAL_CAMERA'

Now, I know that if i had created a camera that was on it's own, i.e. not part of a node network, and with translations and rotation relative to world space, the camera would import just fine.

So, would there be a way that I could recreate another camera, as a seperate node which is not part of a node network, with translations and rotations that match the movement of 'FINAL_CAMERA' but have values that are relative to world space?

I hope I have explained myself well enough for you to understand what I'm looking for.

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

If neccessary i can upload a file...

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