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expressions in Material SOPs?

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This seems like it should be simple:

I'm trying to use an expression (python) to assign a material named after the object, by putting an expression in a Material SOP like this:

hou.node("../../shopnet/" + hou.node("../").name()).path()

( /obj/geo1 should get assigned the full path to ../../shopnet/geo1 )

but it's not evaluating, I get a warning:

The node "hou.node("../...." was not found or was the wrong type for this operation.

I've tried this same expression in an Attribute Create SOP and it works, how can I force this to evaluate for the Material SOP?

Thanks for any help!


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Dunno, seems to work here?


hmm weird! your file works for me, but I try the exact same thing in my file and it doesn't do anything, the parameter field doesn't even turn green. SOP flakyness? Oh well, I got around it by using an attribute create SOP (which didn't work at first, but then started working when I tried it again 10 minutes later)


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Ah, I think I got it.

When you click on the parameter name it toggles the field between the "value" and "source" modes (as you full well know)

I guess you've just pasted/written the expression when the field was in the "value" mode...


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Ah, I think I got it.

When you click on the parameter name it toggles the field between the "value" and "source" modes (as you full well know)

I guess you've just pasted/written the expression when the field was in the "value" mode...


hmm that's a little wonky but you're right, I had to toggle the blank field (?) and then it worked. Thanks!


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