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Glass Shadows

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I am using the glass shader for my bottle and I am using the decal map to place my label texture which has an alpha embed, everything works fine execept that my shadows project my entire bottle transparent and doesn't take on consideration my alpha map.

How can I fix this?


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Thanks for the feedback.

I didn't touch the VEX of the glass shader, I used a TGA file with an alpha channel on it in the decal map, and the shadows are raytraced.

Any tips will be wellcome.

Sorry for the bad english

Edited by tomhanks
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Looks like a bug in the glass shader the Of doesn't take into account the decal at all. I wonder how that got missed.

I've submitted a bug report for you.

For the time being you might have to make your label and bottle cap as separate objects that have opaque materials on them.

Edited by sibarrick
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