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qLib Plugin Installation?

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Oi m8s,

There is this plugin, qLib, for H15; essentially a bunch of OPs that make everyone's life easier. Unfortunately I have not had the luxury of finding some half decent instructions.

I am:

Running Windows 7 Pro

Houdini 15.0.416 (Apprentice) Maybe this is this issue? The instructions say to:

### Installation

The installation process involves two steps: **getting the contents** and
**setting up the environment** for Houdini.

There are two ways to get the contents of the library. You can download a
compressed **archive file** or you can clone the official repository with
**Git**. While installing from an archive may be a bit simpler, we highly
recommend you to use **Git** since it gives you the additional benefits of
**instant updates** and easy access to **older versions** and **development

### From Archive File

Simply **download**  the current version by pressing one of the download
buttons and **unpack** it to the place where you want to install qLib.

Very unclear, if anyone can help t'would be great.

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Unzip qLib somewhere. Add to $HOME\houdiniXX.Y\houdini.env file something like this:

QLIB = your_install_dir/qLib-0.2.5
HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH = &;$QLIB/otls/base;$QLIB/otls/future;$QLIB/otls/experimental

Create a new empty houdini.env file, if not exists, or append to paths, if you already have them modified. $HOME is a cool way to say "Documents" for Windows users. After that, Houdini should see qLib's operators, shelf and galleries.



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20 hours ago, f1480187 said:

Unzip qLib somewhere. Add to $HOME\houdiniXX.Y\houdini.env file something like this:

QLIB = your_install_dir/qLib-0.2.5
HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH = &;$QLIB/otls/base;$QLIB/otls/future;$QLIB/otls/experimental

Create a new empty houdini.env file, if not exists, or append to paths, if you already have them modified. $HOME is a cool way to say "Documents" for Windows users. After that, Houdini should see qLib's operators, shelf and galleries.






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Thank you f1480187  your exaple worked for me. this was confusing for me.  

in fact the read me file has this:

QLIB=<<path to qLib install>>

HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH = $QOTL/base:$QOTL/future:$QOTL/experimental:@/otls
HOUDINI_GALLERY_PATH = $QLIB/gallery:@/gallery
HOUDINI_TOOLBAR_PATH = $QLIB/toolbar:@/toolbar
HOUDINI_SCRIPT_PATH = $QLIB/scripts:@/scripts

I did not know how to interpret this into what you provided. what is &; Is this hscript? 




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Readme has instructions for unix machines.

; is a path separator on Windows
& is a default path. Default for HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH is "$HFS/houdini/otls", for example.

You could use Houdini Command Line Tools and execute "hconfig" to check what is set for this machine, "hconfig -p" to see it in expanded form with helpful descriptions. "hconfig -h" for the help on the rest.

Also: http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/basics/config_env

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