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While every effort was made to ensure that there are no bugs and/or issues with the new site, one or two are bound to crop up occasionally.

Please add them to this thread and we will attempt to fix it as soon as possible.



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It matters plenty. Could you post a screen grab? It might help me to narrow it down a little.

I'll see what I can do about installing FF here and testing it (although you'd think mozilla would have the same issue? weeeeird :))

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I'll see what I can do about installing FF here and testing it (although you'd think mozilla would have the same issue? weeeeird :))


It is weeerid.

I just had them install mozilla 1.7.5 for OSX and I get no images on the odforce.net page. Also I don't get any reply buttons or avatars.

In IE it works great...



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I don't know really... I freely admit I'm confounded by that behaviour.

If I could ask one more favour. From mozilla, view the source code and mail it to me. That way I can see if there's something wrong with the code.

Thanks again


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