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Driving a parameter in Popnet by an attribute?


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Hey all, 

n00b question here. 

Can someone explain the difference between the variable contexts in SOPs and DOPs/POPs?

I can easily drive a parameter in SOPs by simply dropping in the expression $CR. But in DOPs/POPs it seems to require a different syntax.

For example, see attached. I'm just trying to drive the amplitude of the popforce by the color value.

Any help?
Thanks legends.


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Worked it out.

Because I was only doing an impulse activation on the first frame and wasn't generating any further particles, they were being given the data I wanted, but only at birth. Hence why the moving object in SOPs wasn't influencing the CD of the already born particles.

Found my way around it using a sopsolver with an attribute transfer inside it along with object merging in my torus to get the CD from.

Aww yiss. I love these little breakthroughs. 


Hip file attached for anyone that runs in to the same problem.


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