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[SOLVED] Python relative reference path inside HDA


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Hey Guys!

I have a pretty newbie question about some Python and HDA interaction.

So in a nutshell I'm trying to create an HDA with implemented Python script which does the following:
1. I have an Original Geo, which is object merged in my HDA.
2. I select some primitives on my original geo (or on the HDA).
3. After I selected my primitives, with a press of a button on my HDA, the selected primitives will be added to a group's pattern parameter inside my HDA.
4. And of course it would be great if this could work with a relative reference, so if I copy my HDA multiple times it'll update the groups within the correct HDA.

I have this code so far:

import toolutils
viewer = toolutils.sceneViewer()
geo = viewer.selectGeometry()

s = geo.mergedSelectionString()

# How can I make THIS PATH relative reference?
n = hou.parm('/obj/Colorzied_Geo_Asset_1/Colorized_GEO/group1/pattern')


I put together a pretty simple example file and the hda, which will hopefully help you guys understand what I'm trying to achieve.
In case my explanation is a little confusing. :)


Any help or nudge in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!


Edited by LaszloFX
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Hey Guys!

In the mean time, I found the solution.
I realized that if I put my code inside a function, I can recall that function with the HDA Callback Script.
I know this must be pretty basic information to most of you, but for me it opened up many mental doors and windows. :D

And just in case anyone is interested, here is the code that is inside my HDA's Type Properties Scripts Tab:

import toolutils

def sel():

    viewer = toolutils.sceneViewer()
    geo = viewer.selectGeometry()

    s = geo.mergedSelectionString()

    n = hou.parm('./grid/group1/pattern')

And this code goes into my Callback Script under my Button parameter to call back my function defined above:



And here are my example files as well:



Thanks anyway for taking a look at my problem, and I hope some of you may find it useful as well! :)




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