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How to promote/export animation channels?

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I have a pyro simulation that does a specific effect, and my goal is to hide the entire simulation network and create a digital asset expose only "important" parameters. 

As an intermediate step, I created an empty geo node, called it controller, and placed all the "important" parameters to its interface. For non-animated parameters, I simply use "ch" command to copy the value in the controller into the corresponding value inside the simulation network. However, for animated parameters (i.e. the parameters that are already animated inside the pyro simulation), I am not sure what to do? Is it that I "promote" these parameters from inside the simulation network to the "controller" node? if so then how? I've tried to move an animated parameter, e.g. gas released, from inside the simulation network and place it in the controller node (plz see attached), but I got an error message (plz, see attached)




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Have you tried driving the outer level controls with a relative reference expression to the inner controls?

Find the inner node parameter and right-click copy. Return to the outer level parameter and right-click paste relative reference. The field should turn green. You can now change the value at either level and two values will remained synched.

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Thanks...that did it :) What got me confused is data ownership, i.e. who owns the data. I thought initially that once a parameter is controlled by "ch" command, then it cannot be changed because it reads its value from "ch" command (i.e. A=10, and B=ch("A") --> I thought that one is allowed to change A only and B will follow, but I realized now that it's still possible to change B and A will also copy the new value!)

Hmm...I am confused, I thought "ch" command implies directional dependency, i.e. B is read from A, but now it seems both (which is not intuitive)

Anyways, it does work and fixes the problem :) 

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