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Group by primvertexcount

konstantin magnus

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I think the problem with that approach is you are only going to get one primitive as your result, which is what $NVTX > 4 produces. The group field does not iterate through the @primnums. If you place code in a wrangle running over primitives you can collect up all primitives that match the IF statement. Then just reference that group name in the polyextrude.


Edited by Atom
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On 6/15/2017 at 11:05 PM, Atom said:


you can also just type:

@group_toExtrude = (primvertexcount(0, @primnum) < 4); //this is safer because the group will always be created (even if it is empty) that way you do not have issues using the groupPromote operation for instance

//or even simpler (run over prims):

@group_toExtrude = (@numvtx < 4);

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