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Any one show example for multi input python sop?


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I want my python sop has 4 inputs.

geo = hou.pwd().geometry()

this code gave me one instance object of first input geometry.

How do I get object to the second input?


assuming that in general 4-inputs operators change only first input, there is no magic here, you can get the read-only geometry from node's connectors like in any other place of Houdini:

geo2 = hou.pwd().inputs()[1].geometry()

Note that hou.Node.inputs() returns variable length tuple not empty reference, so you need a logic for that ( or smarter way doing this ;) ).



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Thx SYmek & edward !!!

Another question is how create Python sop node with mutil inputs unknow the inputs number (like merge sop node)?

I want to manage different data flow and using ADD OR MIX to process those like layer structure.

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