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A Simple Python Basic Question.


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how do i use the variable in "tx"


>>> x = 200

in /obj/geo1/tx ; i don't know how to put the x variable in tx.

i try:







tx = x

can some one tell what command should i use to using Python HOM to input variable please ?

what I want to do is just let the node to use variable that define in Python Textport.

very thank you!!



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what I want to do is just let the node to use variable that define in Python Textport.

That's the point. It's not an easy question as you may think. Houdini's Python textport operates at different name space (separate thread?), similar to Shelf Tools, and node's parameters don't have direct access to its variables. This is specially noticeable with refreshing issues. While you may (as graham suggested at sesi forum), import __main__, or use hou.session module to link paramter to your variable, it won't update interactively while you'll be changing variable's value (you could try to force paramter to be time dependent with hou.frame() for example, but I'm not sure how this would work).

Fortuantelly this is not an usual way of doing things in Houdini. Think of nodes as classes and paramters as attributes which you can link together to store variables and control one with another. Same result, nicer and cleaner ;)



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thanks for everyone reply

I think I got what I need from your kindly reply :D


Funny misunderstanding..., so you wanted to set parameter with Python, not use textport variable in parameter expression... the first one is explained in HOM help at the very beginning :unsure: ) .

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