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linking shader with cameradistance

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hi again,

is it possible to link a shader attribute , brightness for example to a parmater wich defines the distance between camera and points with a smooth falloff. Something like z darken in post

controld with shading process?

Both the distance from the camera origin to the shadepoint (== length(P)) and the distance from the viewing plane to the shadepoint, aka "depth" (== Pz) are available to the shader. Then it's a matter of modelling your attenuation based on one of those two (you'd typically pick Pz).

Here's a quick outline:

surface blah (
	  float darken_start = 5;  // units away from cam to start darkening
	  float darken_end   = 10; // units away from cam to full darkness
   // distance-based attenuation (many different ways to do this)
   float brightness = 1 - smooth(darken_start,darken_end,Pz);

   // continue shading, then multiply final output by brightness
   vector final_output = 1; //...actual shading goes here

   Cf = final_output * brightness;



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thx a lot ... do you have a little more advice for me where i can enter the code and how the a final op network could look like... i m completly new to this

Sure, but the question is still vague, so I'm not sure what to suggest, exactly...

Should I say: "do it in a surface shader!" when maybe you intend the effect to apply to all the objects in the scene, at which point I would either say "just do it as a fog (atmosphere) shader!", or "Nah, real men write Pz to a separate layer and pass the job along to the comp department!".

...and from the other corner: "True ninja users would write a Python script to automagically assign a point attribute matching the name and type of any shader parms you want to control, relative to any camera you want, to every single point in your scene; and all at the touch of a button (conveniently located in a custom shelf) sporting a unique and distinctive shiny icon designed to convey all of what I just said".

pssst.... just do it in comp if you can.

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:lol: ok .... thx mario .... i d like to archive the effect for all my objects in the scene ...

i m not really shure which parameter i d like to tweak. May an option to darken only the highlights with the same falloff in depth would be nice...

currently i got my falloff in z with a colorattribute from a grid in the background... now a solution with camera z movement would be nice...

i ve no diffusion in my scene only highlights....

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so a little more specific...

i wanna darken the areas which are blured by my cameras DOP settings... no post solution i d like to set it up with my shader...

please explain for someone whos new to VEX and VOPs

(becoming a ninja might feel better than getting one :lol: bad english here :()

thx a lot!

Edited by hatrick
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so a little more specific...

i wanna darken the areas which are blured by my cameras DOP settings... no post solution i d like to set it up with my shader...

please explain for someone whos new to VEX and VOPs

(becoming a ninja might feel better than getting one :lol: bad english here :()

OK, then; if depth-of-field is involved, there may be issues in a compositing solution... maybe.

Perhaps you're looking at a fog shader solution...

But just before you jump into that whole thing, better make sure that a comp solution will categorically *not* work in your case, because it really iis the most flexible.

Here's a quick framework to do some of your own testing. A Mantra ROP which is set up to output Pz (depth) as an image layer is used by a RenderCOP (just for demo purposes -- in the real world you'd save to file and load into cops, of course), then this depth layer (I'm labeling it "Depth" in this example) gets used by a VOPCOP to attenuate the original RGB by the values of a ramp.

So... Before you dismiss COPs, have a look at this and see if it's not something that could work in your case.



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thanks a lot for your explanation...

...currently i use a grid surface in the background parented to my camera which darkens and grades my objects in z direction with a colorattribute... somehow that looks better to me than for example a zdarken ore grade solution in comp (only the flashes in the background are generated with zcomping )....

there are some more questions

1) my problem with the colorattribtransfer is that i can't really get a smooth enough falloff ... is there a way getting softer results?

2) i ve played around with the athmosphere object do you mean this way with fog shading ?

3) currently i ve set up an isosurfacevolume with a smokeshader to get some fog...can i create a densityfalloff in depth with an expression for the isosurface?

4) The ideo to link a shaderattribute with my camera is mainly for learningpurposes :) ... for example: i use the new constant ramp (kind of xray) material for all my objects

Is it possible to link only the bright ore outer colorvalue to my cameraposition ?

5) how can i mix constant value of my falloff material with an diffuse behavour... when i turn on diffuse contribution... the glowish look disapears and is overwriten by an diffuse look

how to set that up within the shader ?

i would be very greatful for some more tips


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i know .... a lot of questions ...

No problem. I've just been a little busy lately so it may take me a while to respond.

Attached is an example using an atmosphere shader. This approach has the advantage that it will work well with motion blur and/or depth of field.

Unless you're looking for a lit volume (as opposed to an unlit "darkening" fog) I wouldn't recommend rendering an actual volume. This atmosphere shader does not need any true volume primitives -- it operates on depth-to-surface only.



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