Hi all,
I'm trying to make a glyph generator based on a 3x3 crossed grid.
This is where I have got to so far.
The way I've created this is pretty rough. I made a grid, divided it, flipped it, merged the results, fused, converted to wireframe, assigned random colour for primitives, delete by colour, stamped with copySOP.
Instead of converting the edges to a primitive, i would prefer to assign a random attribute to the edges and delete them on that basis. But my knowledge has hit a wall as edges aren't really attributable according to the geospreadsheet.
Further, I need to figure out a way to identify when a 'X' happens and delete one of the edges. Maybe I could fix this further up the tree by stamping a grid which randomly flips a divided cell (rather than flipping the whole grid and merging+fusing them).
If anyone has any pointers let me know, I will also attach the hip too. Hope I make sense!