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Found 5 results

  1. Hi everyone, after using rhino/grasshopper, and blender for a while, I just decided to getting into houdini, so that's my quest. I would need to measure the distance between a curve and an object( the object is a pipe/tube, and a curve is an helix that goes along the tube), then copytopoints a cube with the origin on the curve going towards the tube. In order to stay procedural, I would like to give to the cube, the exact or an avarage distance between the curve and the pipe, like so I can change the radius of the 2 components (tube and curve), and the distance of the cube will follow automatically that distance
  2. Hello guys, As you can see in the image below, in a bunch of points islands, I need these things, using VEX: 1) I want to apply random color to each point island (cluster). 2) I want to group each cluster’s (averaged) center points. I tried several ways without success . I would appreciate any ideas. Thanks for helping. Center_Of_Point_Clusters.hip
  3. Hi! I want to trace the adjacent triangles of an icosahedron in order to find the average of their values and equalize them. Any ideas? neighbors multiple values.hipnc
  4. Hi, I was wondering if anyone knows any method to combine velocity vectors of x number of VDBs with an average operation. With VDBCombine SOP either Add or Maximum operation will not give me the correct result because the add will put one vector on top of the other and the maximum will just keep the vector with the greater length. I can produce average using a volume wrangler and the avg() vex function but then I am limited to 4 volumes. cheers, C
  5. Hello ! I'm struggling to analyse points from a mesh and only keep x number (like 4?) of the farthest points from each others. I tried to grab the distances in vex then using delete node but its not working properly, didnt find a way to parse every point and compare between them. Tried average but then again I dont know how to compare each points from each other. Thanks
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