I am trying to do my asset for houdini and I am looking a method which can allow me to connect one node to anoter
I use something like this, but this option is connecting everything to imput1 ('grey imput')
staticsolver = doptoolutils.createSolver("staticsolver", True) - create staticsolver node
staticobject = dopnet.createNode("staticobject") - create staticobject node
doptoolutils.addObjectToSolver(staticobject, staticsolver, True) - connect staticobject to staticsolver
but some nodes has more inputs:
multisolver has 2 inputs one is grey and another purple - how I can connect my node to the purple one using python language?
and another constraintnetwork has 3 inputs, one grey, green and purple
and also if merge node has 3 inputs connected, how I can tell which should be first?
I need explanation how I can connect something to each input. I found something like this but I dont understand what I should write to make it works: http://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/hom/hou/NodeConnection.html#outputNode
if someone can write to me an example how should I write my script lines which show how I should connect node to purple input in multisolver, how to connect to green and purple input for constraintnetwork and how to define which is the first input in merge node.
I attached picture as example what I want to connect to.
Thank you