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Found 9 results

  1. I've checked group related vex functions, and found inpointgroup the closest to what I'm looking for but It's asking for a specific name of a group. I may have a lot of groups, all I need is: for all the points that are "groupless" to be added to a new group called newgroup.
  2. In attached hip, I'm trying to understand a second VEX code I've taken from Paul Esteves video vex groupname, I have no idea what's really going on, I thought I would get a result but the group is different than what I expected so I misunderstood the code. Could you please comment code lines, this may help shed some light (trying to learn vex) vex_group_intersection.hiplc
  3. In attached hip file I'm trying to replicate the vex code of Paul Esteves from his video below, to generate 3 groups: inner outer and partial when using a sphere as bounding object, It's not working I'm definitely missing something vex groupname.hiplc
  4. I used boolean shatter (with treat as surface option for both sets) to split the geometry A. However, the node drops all edge groups in the geometry. As in the attached file, I'm finding a way to keep the geometry A's edge groups after shattering, just like the DESIRED_OUTPUT node on the right side. I want to know how to shatter the (planar) geometry without losing edge groups or reassigning them after splitting. Thank you. boolean.hipnc
  5. I'm having trouble figuring out the best way to achieve something. I'm creating a wall of bricks. Each brick will later be replaced by a far more detailed brick. I'm trying to keep my scene as light and memory efficient as possible so I'm using copy to points and pack and instance is checked. However, I need to cut a hole into this wall. In my example it is a tube, but I'd like to figure out how to do this with any shape. What I want to do is figure out how to do one of two things. 1. Prior to copy to points create a group of the points which will later have bricks that need unpacked in order to boolean. 2. After copy to points with pack and instance create a group of packed bricks that will need to be unpacked in order to do a boolean. If you look at the image I've provided you'll see some points are outside of the tube shape, but would still need to be part of the group that gets/remains unpacked. At the same time some are mostly or completely inside the tube and would also need to be unpacked. I know I can just use a peak node on my tube to make it wider just for selecting, but I'm wondering if there is a more elegant way of doing this. I was thinking of something like intersection analysis, but that isn't the right thing. Is there a way to determine if a packed/instanced brick is partially inside the tube geo? Thanks, Tim J
  6. Hi all Can anyone suggest a good way to loop over geo and group connected geo by a threshold of primitive count? For eg. - I have a mesh that has 140 000 000 prims. - I can do a connectivity sop and split out connected pieces. Many are smaller than my threshold of say 10 000 000. - I'd like to combine the smaller connected pieces into a group until it hits the 10 000 000 threshold and then move onto a new group etc. Right now it creates far too many individual meshes based purely on connectivity so I'm trying to combine the smaller pieces into a more manageable chunks. Thanks in advance!
  7. Hi, I've been trying for a couple of hours to get my array points into a group. The idea is that I want to delete every face that is not colliding with a ray/line (first collision/one collision point per face). I used "intersectionanalysis", which gave me the points and faces I want to preserve but now I'm not able to group those array points or blast them any other way. Please let me know if you have an idea. Thanks raycollisionTest.hip
  8. Hello, I have this crude tree, and I want to group all ‘leaves’. The leafs are not connected to the tree, they just float around, and all of them are just these two prim squares. I can't find a way to make the grouping. I guess an expression or primitive wrangle could help, but I am a novice in these things.
  9. Heya guys, So i'm a bit stumped on this. I have generated a fracture that has a refracturing occurring. Think "box falling down a cliff face refracturing on each bounce". The problem is the inside and outside grouping keeps redefining themselves and I have shaders changing from interior to exterior faces on each impact. How can I overcome this? Cheers, Ollie
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