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Found 5 results

  1. Hey everyone, I'm looking for the best solution or asset to generate growing ivy for my current project. If you've used any before and have experience with this, I'd love to hear your recommendations. Any insights or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Here is the only resource I found so far, but I need more options to choose the best one: https://mcworldkit.gumroad.com/l/ivyTaming Thanks in advance for your help!
  2. Hello all, Im attempting to follow this old tutorial for a growth solver in VEX : https://www.creativebloq.com/how-to/grow-plants-in-houdini Im stuck on blending the direction between the steps in the For Loop, to stop the crazy jumps between steps. I also have an issue of the Ivy getting stuck under the object (I guess because the wander variable isnt strong enough for it to find a way out). Ive linked my hip file bellow, anyone have an idea what could be done next to get this working better? Here is where im currently at: Heres my current hip file: IvyGenerator_tool_forOD.hip Creating a solver like this is my overall goal eventually: Thanks!
  3. Hi Magicians, I'm trying to achieve an effect, not sure if I'll explain properly but I'll do my best. I have a Christ in a Peace symbol, and I need to growth roots over the peace symbol, but then I need the roots to "asphyxiate" the peace symbol, like the snakes when they embrace / attack the prey. What will be the best way to approach this effect? vellum? FEM? I the peace objects need to shrink where the roots embrace it. Thank you!
  4. Hello! In case you haven't seen, a new HDA was posted on the Think Procedural Discord server to procedurally grow and art direct ivies, it looks pretty cool! Ivy Taming 1.0 for Houdini Documentation
  5. I'm trying to build out an idea for an HDA that would create a vine along a surface based on a find shortest path SOP and some controllers for where the start and end points would be to control how long the vine is. This is mostly intended to be a tool in a realtime engine with the idea that it would be cooked into a static mesh (so it doesnt need to animate). I have the main branch generating fine but I am attempting to create some branching points from the main curve to create child branches from this main branch. However, I'm fairly new to Houdini and kind of stumped where to go from here. Currently I'm scattering points from the main branch and attempting to drive them away from the main branch while following along the surface normal of the underlying mesh. I've got something really basic(just sending them out at a random vector direction and snapping them to the surface) but I feel as though this method doesnt give me any control. I thought about trying to make the branches use a find shortest path as well but Im not sure how to control where the start and end points would be procedurally, hence why I was trying to create curves along the surface normals in an attribute wrangle instead. I attached a .hip file for anyone willing to take a look. Thanks for any advice, I appreciate any pointers in understanding VEX better. IvyGrowing.hip
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