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Jumping noise patterns on farm renders

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OK so this is a fun and joyous old problem that I had yet to come across with mantra as we had a homogenous farm up until now however...

no longer the case as we are expanding the farm and my initial testing of the new setups (i7 procs) is showing up the problem of procedural patterns flicking on the different kinds of farm machines. Is there a fix for this or are we going to have to pool the the farm machines into different groups?



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Thanks for your replies, this is what i had been led to believe.

Going through the installs the new machines are running Kubuntu 9.04 and the older machines Ubuntu 8.04, before we run through the joy of rebuilding machines perhaps this is likely to be the cause? both are running identical houdini installs.

Thanks again,


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I wonder if threading has anything to do with this. The older machines have less cores I assume?

The older machines have 8 slower cores the new have 4 faster ones. Rendering without max processors and with thread count set to 1.

old machines -

Intel Xeon x5472

32gb RAM

Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop

Qube Bld 10.1 x86_64

Houdini - 10.0.374

new machines -

Intel i7 920 CPU

12gb RAM

Kubuntu 9.04 Desktop

Qube Bld 10.1 x86_64

Houdini - 10.0.374

Edited by dayvbrown
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And you installed the same gcc version build of Houdini?

hmmm.... may have found the problem, they are using the recommended gcc versions for the linux installs which are different. Hopefully this is the cause.

Thanks for all the help, much appreciated,


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