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how to render Houdini fur using 3delight

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but if the case if i want to render the fur using Prman or 3delight in H?

Initially i had issues with sss and displacements so i thought to switch to either Prman or 3delight but I was already fell in love with mantra but as i have to fix up the pipeline i have to do choose one renderer which does the job... if sss works fine in Mantra then i dont have to look back to any renderer for a very long time... but... now im in between... :(

Edited by kensonuken
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I love the way fur works in Mantra with Marks shader its still more beautiful renders but when It comes to sss I have to choose something other than H... I know even in AO Mantra beats Prman by large extent and btw its free as well.. what else a studio needs beyond this. I dont know I have to figureout the sss with displacements or Normal maps in H...

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I dont know I have to figureout the sss with displacements or Normal maps in H...

I'm having this problem aswell, you could bake the displace to geo when creating the sss pc, or use the axisSSS, which does pathtraced sss. Both methods are somewhat slow though..

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i've rendered houdini fur in 3dl by baking the hair preview into ri nurbs curves and rendering those (and adding all sorts of shading variables in sops) - once you add the motion samples it generates some pretty big ribs - but depending on the amount of hair you're dealing with this might be acceptable

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well, normally you have a procedural doing the job of injecting the hair curves based on some control data (maps, guide curves etc) - same way that the mantra fur procedural does it

the only thing I could think of to make your hair rendering a bit more efficient when using exported ribs is to split your fur into a number of bounding boxes and export those as separate ribs. then in your rendering scene bring in all of those ribs a delayed archives. you probably have to play a bit around with the number of divisions to find a good compromise between memory usage during rendering and files to deal with.

i know maya fur is a bit of a pain, but in the very latest versions (if you're on support) 3dfm has gotten pretty good at interpreting maya fur and exposing variables useful for shading - other than that, I'd have a look at shave and a haircut, a bunch of studios are doing commercial work with it

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