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corrective blend shape


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im a maya user and im new to Houdini.. but im getting in shape slowly...

maybe is a problem because i used to maya way of thinking which in H is not always a best way...

a have a problem with setup of corrective blend shape!

i want to have skin cluster for my character and ON TOP OF IT to put blendShape node that makes corrections and aditional deformations...

problem is that if i put blend shape after skin deformations in H blendShape override my skin deformations!

in maya you solve that problem with deformation order if you put blendShape node to solve after skin cluster!

how to get that works in houdini?

i tried almost everything i had on my mind so far...

can someone help me with this problem...

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i kind a solved a problem...

with turning on "assume Morph netwokr setup"

but it not work if i'm making corrective blend shapes in separate network, and importing that shape with object merge in other network where i have skin cluster on base mesh...

so what is the "right" way of making this work?


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  • 2 years later...

so what is the "right" way of making this work?

Hi, I know this is an old thread but I wanted to contribute on this as I 'm currently in the process of making my first rig with Houdini. So as an ex Maya user I was also experimenting with corrective blendshapes as the level of control you get with this is much higher than using the muscle system alone. Also on top of this I wanted to have an extra layer of jingle motion to simulate fat areas. So this is what I came up with my tests. I hope it is helpful.


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  • 1 month later...


Yap it's an old thread but it's never late, and you have interesting setup there! :)

I just saw your post but i cant take a closer look at it right now. I'll dig in tomorrow.

im glad that there is more people who trying to rig in Houdini and always happy to to see new solutions.

But so far i think i'll steal your setup for jiggle, pretty cool dude!! :D

It would be great if you can share more with community when you can!



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It would be great if you can share more with community when you can!

Sure chovasie, as the rig I'm working on is a personal project and I'm not limited by any deadline I 'll try to implement every little trick I 've learned rigging in maya before.

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sounds great! Im looking forward to see more.

Im also Maya rigger for many years, but sometimes "Maya way" is not the right way to do stuff in Houdini.

That's why i like to see how Maya background people use Houdini and how they use that Maya experience here.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all!

I had some time this weekend to continue playing with H and with take a closer look to Sifis setup of IK and blendPose...

So far i never tested my rigs in animation so i never had this problem with CHOPs before. I just cant find what i do wrong here, also i took at your setup and tried to go through every single setting in blendPose chop node and i still cant get it work.

Problem is that when i make inverseIK in chop, and manualy make inverseIk chop setup for my leg to get rotation values in chanels of joints which i want to drive my corrective Blendshape, it seams it work just on 0 frame of animation. If i move my timeline on any other frame my blendPose dont work anymore.

I was looking in your chop node and it's 100% same setup but your work on any frame and in animation.

I spend couple of hours trying to find out where i make mistake and no luck so far :/

Any pointers?



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I was looking in your chop node and it's 100% same setup but your work on any frame and in animation.

I spend couple of hours trying to find out where i make mistake and no luck so far :/

Hey Chovasie can you post your problematic hip to take a look?

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Here's scene where i get problem.. Im on work right now so i didnt have time to make full scene...

In this case there is just IK leg ( ik manually created in chops ) which lowerLeg rotationX drives translateY of locator (blendShape_lctr) over blendPose...

lowerLeg.rx 90 ---> locator.ty 1

all works well if you delete keys on IK controler locator. Than works on any frame on timeline...

But when i try to animate.. and put some keys on ik control, after that works just on frame 1.

Take a look when you find some free time.




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all works well if you delete keys on IK controler locator. Than works on any frame on timeline...

But when i try to animate.. and put some keys on ik control, after that works just on frame 1.

I'm sure someone here is not paying much attention to the big yellow sticky in my sample hip.

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I'm sure someone here is not paying much attention to the big yellow sticky in my sample hip.

omg dude.. :/ from some reason sticky is moved way out of frame when i open scene i didn't saw it at all.

I was digging in your scene but i was sure that problem is in blendPose setup, not in IK solver so i didnt check that out. :/

problem solved.. thanx a bunch!


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  • 4 years later...

All the methods above work well as long as the character's orientation stays intact. Try to rotate the global transformation node of a rig and see that the sculpt or edit node break down, And I suppose that happens because they deal with normals of the geometry. 

I wonder how a Pre-Deformation blendshape extraction could be implemented in Houdini! 

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There's a rest input on the Edit SOP for solving this problem. If you pipe in the pre-deform geometry  (ie. the input into your Deform SOP) into the second input of an Edit SOP, then the differences should be applied appropriately.

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