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PBR - extra image planes

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I want to write out some additinal imageplanes from pbr, but it behaves kind of wired. for example the standard reflective material seems to swap sometimes the specular and reflection component.

there seems to be now direct way assign the pbr components to the channels. that brings me to the next point, I built a glass shader on my own, but I can not get pbr to put out the refractuve image plane for it. how is the handling of the pbr image planes and how can I extract the refractive component?

best regards


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thanks gunnar :),

but it seems that they have kind of support, but only what pbr gives You anyway. You can not export stuff as You want.

in the vex variable dropdown menu specular and reflection are seperated, I think this comes from the different shaders that are added in shops, for example the reflective material has a specular shader and a reflective shader, and most of the time I turn of the specular at all as it doesn't look that good when both are used.

take care


Hi Martin,

as far as i know pbr does not support aov-rendering.. (this may be outdated) and furthermore spec and reflection are the same in pbr ;) so its hard to divide them into separate panes.



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What do you mean by "swapping specular and reflection"? A specular function in PBR is a reflection function with a reflection diffusion angle of 0 (a sharp reflection) and should show up in the "PBR combined specular" AOV.



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Hi Abdelkareem,

I just had the case that I created 2 reflective materials, set their specular to 0 and rendered in the pbr outputchannels, and I don't know why but the reflection of the on ended in the direct specular, the other in the direct glossy image plane. I recreatet the first one and every thing was fine again. but I could not find any difference.

What do you mean by "swapping specular and reflection"? A specular function in PBR is a reflection function with a reflection diffusion angle of 0 (a sharp reflection) and should show up in the "PBR combined specular" AOV.



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In fact the PBR now does support extra image planes through normal shader exports. However in my testing I found it way more inefficient than in the normal Micropolygon renderer. Perhaps it's not intended to be used in PBR, or perhaps I just had bad luck with my scene, might be worth a shot.

Just add the parameter vm_pbrsurfaceexports to your mantra node and enable it.

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thanks for the hint

In fact the PBR now does support extra image planes through normal shader exports. However in my testing I found it way more inefficient than in the normal Micropolygon renderer. Perhaps it's not intended to be used in PBR, or perhaps I just had bad luck with my scene, might be worth a shot.

Just add the parameter vm_pbrsurfaceexports to your mantra node and enable it.

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  • 4 months later...


what do you mean with : Perhaps it's not intended to be used in PBR.

like i've understand (vm_pbrsurfaceexport) makes the the render a standars mantra raytrace render ? ... look at the beautyresult ad the rendertime ?!

maybe i'm wrong ...

commonly more in depth info about PBR would be great! multipassworkflow shadersetup etc.

Edited by hatrick
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