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DQ skinning experiment

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Ok so this is something I did in 2008 but I don't think I ever posted it. I post it now so I can link to it from this thread Maya skinning

I have no intention at this point of finishing this, I'm rather hoping Sesi will do something with it as it'll be way easier for them to polish it off.

Posted here is a zip file with the following contents

1. A HDK folder with my test code in it. At the bottom of the SOP_DQB_deform.C file is code I got from blender (i think) showing their implimentation

2. A Ref folder with some code I got from somewhere showing a DQ construction.

3. A test hip file deform4.hipnc - you need the hdk node compiled for it to work. In here I show how you can use the existing capture node and then blend between a linear and DQ solution using 3 nodes 1. my DQ deformer 2. The standard deformer 3. A vex blend node to blend between them using an attribute.

I don't expect this node will work with a fully rigged character, but the theory is that you could take any pre-captured rig and just apply this node to get a DQ deform ( if it were finished off that is )

For Sesi to do this I would suggest that they just add this method to the existing Deform sop and then have a solver menu that lets you choose between linear, DQ and blended solvers, with a parameter that let's you define what attribute to use for blending.

ok my attachment isn't showing up.....

Edited by sibarrick
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1. A HDK folder with my test code in it. At the bottom of the SOP_DQB_deform.C file is code I got from blender (i think) showing their implimentation

For the record, this automatically makes it impossible for anyone from SESI to look at it since this means that your implementation is GPL'ed.

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