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dynamic hair growth cotrol

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Is it possible to control hairgrowth with a ramp ore something for a dynmaic growth animation. For example the growth should happen along TX with a smooth falloff. I played with groupingstuff and thought about popattributes but i did not get closer so far. A little hint would be great.



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Maybe, but I'm not sure what exactly you're after.

What kind of behaviour do you want the hair growth to have?

pls see the image attached .... the growth should appear like a wave over time in oe ore more directions ...


Edited by hatrick
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pls see the image attached .... the growth should appear like a wave over time in oe ore more directions ...


and by the way .... what local variable do you use with the chramp ex. ?

EDIT:news here :).... i ve found the $BBX a.s.o. variable verusefull here :) although a pop solution would be very interesting

thx !


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How about these 2 methods?

thx a lot for your time ... interesting examples... i'm happy with the chramp-solution with the boudingboxvariables in terms of growth dynamic, but now there is another problem... how to zero out hairs with more than 1 segment... when you look at your example there is the same problem... i thought about resamling afterwards but i d like to use the nice controls of the fur SOP....

further tips would be great



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thx a lot for your time ... interesting examples... i'm happy with the chramp-solution with the boudingboxvariables in terms of growth dynamic, but now there is another problem... how to zero out hairs with more than 1 segment... when you look at your example there is the same problem... i thought about resamling afterwards but i d like to use the nice controls of the fur SOP....

further tips would be great

an idea was to objectmerge the hairgeometry into another geosop and simulate the growth with a carve sop... the carve sop could delete all points from the input curve ... sadly i ve no idea how to get control over the individual length of a curve without a copysop in the network ....





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I think this is due to an attribute called furfrizz. Just do the same for that attribute as you do for furlength and that should solve it.

Btw, there is also an lengthmap option on the Appearance tab.

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