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MotionBlur Pass

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I know that it is possible to render a motionblur pass by exporting a variable calculated by getblurP vex. However, I think this always requires the blur to be a Geometry Velocity Blur.

Is it possible to render a motionblur pass with the other motionblur method: By setting the Geo Time Samples on the samples tab of mantra render node.

The reason why I ask is because I have something going through a CHOP and the v attributes cause the occasional weird blurring effect. Appending a trail sop instead does not solve the problem. On the other hand, rendering blur with Geo Time Samples is fine except that I can't render a separate motionblur pass (I need it for compositing in Nuke).

Edited by Macha
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I know that it is possible to render a motionblur pass by exporting a variable calculated by getblurP vex. However, I think this always requires the blur to be a Geometry Velocity Blur.

I've never heard about this limitation. All kinds of mblur should produce output with getblurP(). Have you asked mantra to not actually blur the image (with "vm_imageblur" property)?

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