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Volumetric Cloud(s)

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hum... ok, I've followed the videos on creating those nifty clouds and I managed to create 1 perfect cloud... but.. now I need more than one :D

I can't create different clouds on different objects because then houdini asks me for the SOP that contains the geometry to render the i3d file...

If I create different clouds inside the same OBJ and then merge them together, the i3d texture doesn't work properly.. all I get is a veeery small little cloud, instead of the majestic clouds I had created :|

I couldn't think of a way to create different textures for different clouds, unless I applied many Atmosphere objects..

Any suggestions on the most efective way to do this?...

Thanks for all the help guys


EDIT: btw, I'm creating the clouds by copying a metaball to an extruded and edited box.. this works great for just one cloud!

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nop, can't get it to work.. my guess is the atmosphere sop doesn't generate "geometry". I tried changing the geometry parameter in the instancing options (render as bla bla bla, procedural, geometry as is, etc) but all I ever get is a black scene hehe.. If I render the atmosphere OBJ by itself, bang, perfect cloud... :blink:

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>>I can't create different clouds on different objects because then houdini

>>asks me for the SOP that contains the geometry to render the i3d file...

You can ;)

See attachments (H6.1nc)

It`s posible to use all this clouds within single Atmosphere object,

however standart i3dFog shader must be modified B)


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EDIT: sorry, this is unxetas :) forgot to log out on nat's computer :P

err.. :rolleyes:

haven't checked the attachment yet but.. how would you go about modifying such a shader? Don't try to explain the modifications, I'm just curious on how to get to the shader...

Anyway, I got it to work by using the metacloud instead of the fluffly.. but I still have to create all the "clouds" (metaballs copied to box's points..) inside one the same object and merge them together..

I had success before with duplicating the atmosphere object, but I can't find an handle to manipulate the fog object in the scene, and since you don't see the cloud unless you render, it's hard to manipulate it by changing the translation values..

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>>I'm just curious on how to get to the shader...

Dont modify standart shaders itself!

Tools -> Operator Type Manager -> Operator Type Libraries

-> D:/HOUDINI/houdini/otls/OPlibShop.otl

Find & select shader.

Right Mouse Button -> Edit Contents

Swich to VflCode tab & hit "Save as File"

Open saved text...modify...rename...install as new shader:)

Now You can tweak shader within SHOP:

Load new shader -> RMB on shader -> Type Properties -> Vex Code tab

>> I can't find an handle to manipulate the fog object in the scene, and

>>since you don't see the cloud unless you render,

>>it`s hard to manipulate it by changing the translation values..

You can create Iso Sop (3D texture mode) within Attmosphere Object :)

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