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Return selected sop in Python


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Hey everyone,

I'm trying to return a sop that the user selects. I can do it just fine with:


Only problem is I want to tell the using with some kind of prompt to select the sop that he or she wants and press ok. But when I try to use the:


It locks out houdini's ui and you can't select anything while the dialog prompt is up. With some digging I figured out how to return a node at object level with:

import toolutils
import hou
scene_viewer = toolutils.sceneViewer()
selection = scene_viewer.selectObjects(prompt = toolutils.selectionPrompt(hou.objNodeTypeCategory()))
print selection

And this works great, but when I try do to the same thing for a sop node...

import toolutils
import hou
scene_viewer = toolutils.sceneViewer()
selection = scene_viewer.selectGeometry(prompt = toolutils.selectionPrompt(hou.sopNodeTypeCategory()))
print selection

It returns nothing. It just prints blank space.

I would really appreciate any help.



Edited by zglynn
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import toolutils
import soptoolutils

activepane = toolutils.activePane(kwargs)
if activepane.type() != hou.paneTabType.SceneViewer:
    raise hou.Error("This tool cannot run in the current pane")

scene_viewer = toolutils.sceneViewer()
nodetypename = "delete"

# Obtain a geometry selection
geo_types = (hou.geometryType.Primitives, )
selection = scene_viewer.selectGeometry(
                "Select the primitives to extract and press Enter to complete",
                geometry_types = geo_types,
                allow_obj_sel = False)

print "This is what you selected: ",selection
selectionList = str(selection).split(' ')
selectionList=selectionList[:-1] # remove lase element which is '' when selectin all primitives in the SOP it returns only ' ' --- PROBLEM - if you want to change the order of all the primitives select one by one excepth the last element
print selectionList

for sop in selection.nodes():
    sop_path = sop.path()

print sop_path

### Last line

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