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hello all,

sorry for my english.. tell me if it's not understandable..

I learn python, and i try to code into houdini.

now, i can make only easy code, but it's a start..

i don't know how i must use some hou.object..

can you help me please

i go into HOM docs, but it's not easy for a beginner like me, there is not simple examples.


which symbol i must put for change value of x.translate if i'm into x.translate?

I explain me:

i created my script.

now i want tell: (i'm in "my object translate X" parameter)

if "my object translate X" > "my other object translate X":

return "my other object translate X" + 1

now, i don't know how i can call parameter "translate X" from my object While i'm in this X parameter..

Do you know what i want say? if i put into "my object/translate X":

ch("tx"), i have an error: unknow error when generating backtrace. (/obj/myObject/tx)

which word or code i must choose for call "X translate" if i'm in "X translate"?

Or i must go into Ytranslate or Ztranslate for evaluate Xtranslate??


where i put hou.vector3 if i want use this?

can i use hou.vector3 into my object Xtranslate?

i find this in HOM docs, but not where i must place it.

thank you very much for your help.

Best regard

See you

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