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Tornado shading/Sprites Rendering Problem

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Hi there,

I've got a little problem rendering sprites for a tornado project of mine. I did the old school 3d Buzz tutorial and managed to get the sprites set up correctly and working. I have played around with the dustpuff and spritefog sprite shaders and am slowly getting the result I want (not quite .. but getting there).

The problem is in the funnel of the tornado, where the particles are very dense. Due to the overlapping of the sprites it looks more like solid white, than like smoke/fog/cloud. I have changed the size of the the sprites, reduced the amount of particles, moved and alterd the spotlights intensity and position. None leading to a satisfactory result.

Any input or feedback would be greatly appreciated!



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Here's a quick thought:

  1. either group the central particles and reduce the Alpha for that group
  2. color the central particles with a falloff (maybe with a magnet?) and reduce the Alpha using that color as a multiplier.

If I get some time I'll try and put a scene together for you.

Hope that helps,


Edited by Matt_K
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Here's a quick thought:

  1. either group the central particles and reduce the Alpha for that group
  2. color the central particles with a falloff (maybe with a magnet?) and reduce the Alpha using that color as a multiplier.

If I get some time I'll try and put a scene together for you.

Hope that helps,



I reduced the Attenuation in the sprite Material for the Funnel and did 2 Passes that I will put back together in comp. That workaround seems to do thing trick, but thanks for your feedback.

best regards,


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  • 2 months later...

Hello again!

sorry for getting this thread back to life )))

I found the Rockfool's sprite setup fantastic, but have one question.

In the scene the alpha of sprites controlled by ramp. Can I control the scale of sprites by ramp as well (I mean another ramp, not the same as alpha) ?

I tried to do that, just copying the vop sop and typing "spritescale" insted of "alpha" , nothing is happend.(((

I continue my research, and your help is very appreciated )))

thank you.

Edited by nomad
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