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head explosion... any examples out there?

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hi there, i just need to do a head explosion, like this...

i just need to see some example in particle fluids simulations with high viscosity parameters in a past thread so i can take directions on this subject, but i cant find it, do you know any thread with the subject or examples?

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hmm... nice and gruesome...

I would do some directed flip fluids.

You can keep the flip fluids in place with this kind of setup:


And you can direct the forces of the flip with this file:


Then I would add in some gore with wire objects.

If you want viscosity with flip you will have to blur their velocity yourself or do a pointcloud lookup to filter neighbouring velocity (similar to a flocking system).

I think some of that "stringy" look should come from the wire objects though. Deformed spheres, curves... they can feed into the particle fluid surfacer. The strings would be more the veins though, so you might want a different material for it as it is not all blood. You might want to resample those wires and play with the pscale to get the vein to sit inside the blood particles.

You can probably also select every 50th particle of your flip and copy a small piece of gore onto it.

So now you have:

*) 99% flip particles for blood

*) 1 % flip particles for small pieces of gore/brain

*) some curves to get the stringy vein look as wire objects

*) some deformed spheres (maximum 5 or so) to indicate bigger parts of mass, again as wire objects.

Together that should give you a fairly interesting mix.

Good luck!

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Sounds fun, this is gonna look really good!

Just out of interest, have you thought of using SPH instead so you can play around more with explicit viscosity? Also, to add to what Peter said, I had a look a while back at that 2nd link about the barrel explosion & did a tweaked version with extra RBD pieces for wooden chunks, was rather nice ...

(Sorry about the awful compression!)

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Cheers! Have done a sim with a character exploding, but can't really show that model online as it's company property, but might do something similar soon.

-edit: your barrel is a bit bouncy, though :D

Yeah, is a bit, lol! Also, the interaction btwn the fluid & RBDs is something I'd like to improve on if possible ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nice, if a bit slow ;) Actually, I´m doing some research along the lines of a FLIP fluid coming out of cloth and had a lot of problems with the cloth sim part...do you think you could give some hints on the cloth sim part? Maybe even share a low-res version of your hip file? (so that you don´t have to hand your definitive version. Wouldn´t want to copy your work, just to solve my probs)

Edited by Netvudu
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do you think you could give some hints on the cloth sim part?

Cheers for the comments. The cloth sim was actually quite simple to get the balloon to explode. I just created a slightly larger and noisy (via a Mountain SOP) version and set this to the be the 'Rest Geometry', turned on 'Enable Tearing' in the solver node & used 'Paint Tearable' on the cloth shelf to paint stress lines to break up the simulation. Also I needed to tweak the 'Tear Threshold' quite a bit, but think it came out quite well.

As for interaction between the fluid & cloth, unfortunately there is none in this sim. I did try to have the cloth, softbody & wire objects all interact in one DOP network, but this slowed to a crawl, so I decided to sim every element seperately & combine at render-time. Hope this helps ...

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