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Foam Patterns

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I know there's been a lot of topics on generating foam on cusps of waves etc, but I'm wondering if anyone is creating this kind of foam?


Would this just be layering of vop patterns? Has anyone got any examples?



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Hey Christian

I hope thats a photo :)

You have 2 general elements there that are hard to produce but for the surface foam,

What about layering voroinoi noise, but displacing the P that goes into the texture lookup using another noise to break up the edge.

Essentially layering different frequencies of that pattern, with a MAX or Mult as your composite in your shader, this result should drive your displacement and somehow mix in between two looks inside the shader based on this pattern.

one look is the "water, with a lot of spec and transmission/refraction/scatter, the other look is a diffusive/foam look.

then for the bubbles or aeration, you could sim some particles rising below the surface and either use a point cloud approach where you transfer a value onto the water surface based on the distance from the points, which would give you a blurry aeration look, or if you can trace these points, its way harder and slower but may resolve individual points, and if you blur your gather call ever so slightly, that gives you the bubbles rising look.

would be cool to see any WIP because we doing something similiar right now.


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If the area where you need to create the foam is limited (as in not on an entire ocean), you could try this technique:

You would get your advection from your sim (flip particles) and your surface (tangent velocity assuming particles will want to go to lowest areas on the surface).

I think that will give you the most believable motion and is probably one of the only solutions if there is a lot of interaction between your liquid and other objects (pebbles).

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Thanks everyone!

@aracid: We're after just creating the top foam, the sea element is pretty much sorted. But it's going to be at night, so I wanted some extra texture to pick up spec etc...

@Benyee: Thank you soo much! This is exactly what I've been after and has been really helpful to look at to see how procedural textures are made!

@pclaes: I'll keep that method in mind if we ever need it on a smaller scale.

Cheers, I'll post results as soon as I can...


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Another option would be to use sph fluids; emit on collisions and ray onto your ocean geo. You could either mesh the points or use them for a point cloud shader. Multiplying the resulting value by some extra turbulence noise might give more break up. You could render a few different sequences and then project back onto the water sufrace.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Another option would be to use sph fluids; emit on collisions and ray onto your ocean geo. You could either mesh the points or use them for a point cloud shader. Multiplying the resulting value by some extra turbulence noise might give more break up. You could render a few different sequences and then project back onto the water sufrace.

Thats a good idea!

Thanks I'll give it a go.

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