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possible convert/create point group to prim group in python??


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I have simple question.

Is it possible to convert or create point group from prim group in Python??

If not, I will use foreach sop though.... I just don't wanna use any other sop.

I would appreciate any help!!


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You mean in PythonSOP? (it's not possible outside this node, as groups belong to geometry). You can do this explicitly by iterating over prims, like (not tested):

prims = hou.pwd().geometry().globPrims("mygroup")
pgroup = hou.pwd().geometry().createPointGroup("mypointgroup")

for prim in prims:
   for v in prim.vertices():
      if not pgroup.contains(v.point()): pgroup.add(v.point())



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I seem to have this kicking around:

def primToPointGroup(geometry, prim_group, point_group_name=None, keep=False):
    """ Convert a primitive group to a point group. 

        If point_group_name is None, the new point group will have the
        same name as the primitive group.

        If keep is False, the original primitive group will be destroyed.
    # Handle the name of the new group.
    if point_group_name is None:
        point_group = geometry.createPointGroup(prim_group.name())
        point_group = geometry.createPointGroup(point_group_name)
    # Iterate over each primitive in the group.
    for prim in prim_group.prims():
        # Iterate over each vertex in the primitive and add its referenced
        # point to the new group.
        for vert in prim.vertices():

    # Destroy the source group.
    if not keep:

    return point_group

Edited by graham
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Wow Thank you2 SO much !!

I did not expect this fast reply!!

I did not test it yet though,

I'm pretty sure the way graham shows will fit my situation and should work.

Again guys thanks a lot!!

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