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clamping color

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I've been working on the stickies animation tutorial on the Side Effects website. In the tutorial, you create a simple animation in a COPS network. The animation consists of a red star and blue text moving across a yellow background. The animation is then imported to a series of grids in a SOP network by using the following expressions in a Point SOP:

pic("op:/obj/stickies/2danimation/comp_out",$BBX, $BBZ,D_CR) in the red channel

pic("op:/obj/stickies/2danimation/comp_out",$BBX, $BBZ,D_CG) in the green channel

pic("op:/obj/stickies/2danimation/comp_out",$BBX, $BBZ,D_CB) in the blue channel

My problem is that as the animation runs, I am getting some odd intermediate colors. For example, just before a yellow grid is turned blue by the text, it might turn green. I have played with the antialias values and the font details, which seemed to help a little bit. I have tried to clamp the color values like so:

clamp(pic("op:/obj/stickies/2danimation/comp_out",$BBX, $BBZ,D_CR),0,1)

clamp(pic("op:/obj/stickies/2danimation/comp_out",$BBX, $BBZ,D_CG),0,1)

clamp(pic("op:/obj/stickies/2danimation/comp_out",$BBX, $BBZ,D_CB),0,1)

That doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions? Basically, I need the colors to be on or off. When the colors are on, they are either blue or red. When they are off, they are yellow.


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I was really getting into figuring this out but I need to run! Often in many scripting languages there is a sort of "step" function that will interpolate without any smoothness. It will just jump from one value to the next. (RSL has this and its called "step" , but I was digging around and didn't find one for houdini yet...) I think if you could find this expression, that might solve it. Maybe. Good luck! Ill dig a bit some more after I get home again.

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The round function would work well if you are trying to get rid of the AA colors. Anything =>.5 is turned to 1 (or the next higher integer) and anything <.5 so put to 0. I use this technique in the animation section(page 3) of my Christmas lights tutorial to control some of the light animations while I am working with sin waves. Take a look, I try to explain how it all works in there.

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