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Boost filesystem with hdk

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I'm writing a small standalone tool for my mayaToMantra translator. I could see that a version of the boost tools comes with the toolkit. There I'd like to use the filesystem module. Unfortunatly there is missing a filesystem boost lib to link to.

From the boost website it seems that the filesystem is not a header only library so a lib is needed. Do I have do download the old 1_37 boost version and compile it myself because it is only half included into the toolkit or am I missing something?

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To be honest, I just compiled the old boost 1.37 version, I don't have included it into my exporter yet. I'll do this evening.

Thanks for you liking :) I think I'll have basic particle and fluid support next weekend when I release a new version.

edit: Okay, after wasting another evening with trying to build the correct boost librarys and trying to run the exe, I get an error as soon as I include any of the houdini libraries. 0xc000007b. No idea what that means. Hoped it would be easier....

An example application with the boost filesystem libraries works fine.

Edited by haggi
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First of all, make sure you're using Visual Studio 2005, and the correct 64-bit vs 32-bit compiler. Secondly, it's probably easier if you link it to your plugin statically so that you don't need to ship with a separate dll.

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First of all, make sure you're using Visual Studio 2005, and the correct 64-bit vs 32-bit compiler. Secondly, it's probably easier if you link it to your plugin statically so that you don't need to ship with a separate dll.

Thanks Edward,

I have the correct version, as much as I can see. I've already used my houdini standalone to export a particles geo file from my data format. So I think this part is correct.

The boost library itself seems to be okay as well because my example works as 32 and as 64 compilation. But it seems that the combination of houdini boost and standalone boost ist not compatible somehow.

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Try setting the INCLUDE path of your version of the Boost libraries before Houdini's INCLUDE path. Once I had a similar issue with boost.regex - my compiler options included Houdini's INCLUDE (that implicitly includes their version of Boost), then the Boost library INCLUDE path, and of course passing my precompiled version of the boost.regex library to the linker. There were no compile/link warnings, but at runtime the plugin caused Houdini to simply exit.

Also make sure that your version of Boost is compiled with the same compiler version and flags (SECURE_SCL in particular) as Houdini.

Edited by diula
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I already tried to include boost before all others with no success, same with the libs.

But your hint about the flags is interesting. I suppose the compiler is the same as for houdini itself what means VC 8, at least I hope so. Do you have any further information about what flags are needed? I compared the file sizes of the libraries included in Houdini and the ones created by my compilation and I could see that they don't have the same size. One kb more or less.

I'll have a look at the SECURE_SCL flag. Thanks.

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Problem seems to be solved now. I use MS Visual Studio and it seems I simply had some wrong flags in my setup. Now I created a new configuration where i use all compiler and linker flags from hcustom and it seems to work. Thanks for all your help.

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